DKT Deutsche Kennzeichen Technik GmbH congratulates its partner Christoph Kroschke on his appointment as Honorary Consul.
Northern Germany receives a new diplomatic mission: Christoph Kroschke, owner and shareholder of the Kroschke Group, has now been officially appointed Honorary Consul of Kyrgyzstan. His “exequatur” (“The consul may carry out his duties”), the permission granted to a consul by the receiving State to perform consular functions within his consular district, was given to Kroschke on 3 March 2020 by the Kyrgyz Foreign Minister Chingiz Aidarbekov.
Volunteering is awarded for life. Consular tasks include, in particular, the protection of the interests of the sending State of Kyrgyzstan and its nationals in the receiving state of Germany within the limits permitted by international law. As Honorary Consul, Kroschke is also an important link between the ambassadors and society in Germany, in the maintenance of social contacts between the countries.
Christoph Kroschke is a recognized and respected entrepreneur beyond the borders of the country. With his extensive network and contacts, he will set important accents, especially in the field of economic relations between Kyrgyzstan and Germany.
Photo: Foreign Minister Chingiz Aidarbekov (right) presented the certificate of honour to Christoph Kroschke, the new Honorary Consul of Kyrgyzstan, on 3 March 2020.